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Provide a ‘Safe place to land’ post release from detention that gives young people somewhere to go to that creates belonging and connection within a safe, non-judgemental environment alongside other adolescents with lived experience within the juvenile youth justice system and supported by adults who have worked with and understand this cohort and are trusted by them.

Collaborate with BackTrack Youth Works in Armidale on a project addressing recidivism amongst young people in NSW and QLD by consulting the experts – the young people themselves to deliver the report ‘Keeping young people out of lock-up’.

Deliver a Buoyancy Program that equips young people leaving youth detention with an arsenal of skills and strategies to resist toxic thinking and improve wellbeing.

The program is supported by current neuroscience, psychology and education principles as pillars that will increase the everyday resilience levels of young people and support them to develop a much-needed positive skill set to reduce the risk of re-offending.

Create a Social Enterprise Business that provides jobs that utilise the skills and interests of young people and that fit within their capacity and build self-worth so as to – engage, encourage, empower and employ.

Provide opportunities to ‘Give back to the community’ in ways that promote self-esteem, improve confidence, capacity and create positive stories within the broader community.



Find out more

“Keeping kids out of lock-up, providing a safe place to land and unlocking their potential.”

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0402 154 020
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Shop 8/54 Limestone Street, Ipswich Qld 4305

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